This post is linked with my previous post with its theme of sacred vessels: “The Queen and King, Part One – a Kabbalist’s Impression”. This second part is more esoteric – in places it ranges freely and poetically. The writing follows various voices in a whimsical synchrony like music. It carries my sacred vessels and my deep source of inspiration.
In Part One’s story I was rolled like a marble to stand near Westminster Hall where people queued to pay their respects to the Queen. I was just across the road; I spontaneously sang Meher Baba songs to her. Meher Baba (February 1894-January 1969) is my beloved Teacher of the Light. Into his Embrace is gathered my devotion to King Charles III and his family and my desire to help support and protect them.
Today I am working on this sketch of the young Meher Baba in a rickshaw
… and here is the King and his son William.
Family portraiture like this picks up an affectionate awareness of his son’s presence through boyhood into maturity; the evolution of their shared responsibilities; the love in the relationship, the familiar scent and sounds to each other, the ups and downs. In William’s features is a captivating flavour of his mother and the Spencer lineage. Last night (most unusually) I dreamed I met and embraced the King … hence this new portrait-study. I feel his mother the Queen (whom he greatly misses) keeps an eye on him. I see her face in his. I see both his parents.
Part One (see link at the beginning of this post), featured five youtube videos detailing the King’s extraordinary work in the Middle East when he was Prince of Wales, on a restoration project which unified the “Star, the Cross and Crescent” (Judaism, Christianity, Islam). With Keith Critchlow, the architect Minwer A-Heid and the King of Jordan, Charles helped to resurrect a forgotten sacred craft and its livelihood.
In Part Two I want to reflect on what Lord Heseltine said about the Commonwealth – the jewel in the Queen’s crown – and to let the alchemist play …
Queen Elizabeth II’s passing and her funeral brought together a vast global array of companions of the Light. Our Guardians and preceptors, one and all, were present within every dimension and strata of humanity. They were tangible in the uplifting and relaxed atmosphere around Westminster and they flanked the cortege; they brought persons from every walk of life together in friendship; a common wealth.
Let us not forget our private moments of meaning in the gathering!
Here I shall write about mine – within the diversity.
A few years ago, I was taken to … I discovered Meher Baba. Like a panther his Love awaited my life’s ripe moment – then he sprang.
Here he is playing marbles – he was an expert
Among his Mandali (close ones) his attendant Eruch said, “People ask what did you gain all those years with Baba? They should have asked us, what did we LOSE?”
Jotted down during Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral:
“The Abbey waits to receive this gentle Christian soul. It doth their crowns bestow and doth their ashes keep.”
“Of course it will be forever different. It may be as good, it may be in some ways better, but it will be different.”
And all the way from ‘Frisco – “I watched the WHOLE THING – it’s magical – pure Harry Potter!”
Myrtle among the flowers on the coffin gathered by King Charles from all his mother’s gardens.
Lord Heseltine remarked on the crimes of our Imperial heritage which make us sombre, and its evolution into a Commonwealth of nations which makes us glad; they are free to remain under the Crown or to find their own way. Regarding history as a whole, over time the abuses may transmute to a potential for forgiveness, honesty and understanding.
“Where else in the whole wide world could this event take place?”
There are mutterings – “Who pays for it? Who asked for it? Who maintains the pageantry? We are starving! We cannot pay the bills!”
“The Commonwealth, in the King’s heritage and in his long years of international activity, could be a greater force for good in the world than it has been so far.”
“The Queen’s example sets a precedent for spiritual integrity.”
My mind’s inertia is yet LOVED unconditionally. There is a wider garden to grow into.
The Queen crosses over to the higher plane where she is active behind the veil. Her job continues in her son the King and in all who love her values.
Her droplet in the waters is not just Britain but the WORLD. The ripple moves in and out concentrically.
On the same bit of paper some scribbles from an epiphany of voices I heard on youtube –
Do what you like with God the Absolute but beware what you do with saints! Realise the fragrance of Who we are and share the fragrance of that attainment with others.
He’ll make the clay into a nice ball and put it in the oven. When you come out you are durable. He’ll give you a push and then withdraw – then he will see how you respond with his impetus and he will go with the way you express yourself. If you give your way to the Beloved, he can make it His way for you.
The aspirant’s real task is to pierce through his own layers of self-imposed sufficiency and insensitivity so that s/he may expose a layer of vital awareness to the world about them which would touch them if it could.
Join singers from Ukraine, Russia, the USA, Spain and other nations in this prayer for peace!
The other day, I read Rick Chapman’s book “You and I” (White Horse publishing), and it brought me a revelation:
You unconsciously
feel my Avatarhood
within you;
I consciously
feel in you what each
of you feels.
“And yes,” (Rick emailed) “we are and must resign ourselves to being ‘very much in the veil’ in our lives with Meher Baba.
“The one thing that was consistent throughout the lives of His most intimate lovers and disciples was that, however varied their experiences in the world and their experiences spiritually, Baba did not lift the veil on them in their lives with Him, not perceptibly.
“Each and every one was ‘chop wood, carry water’ in his or her grounding in gross Consciousness, regardless of how close one might be to Enlightenment or Liberation.
“That is the way the Avatar works, and it is unique among spiritual masters.
“Although He may vouchsafe some experience or other to this one or that, He keeps everyone ‘under the veil’ so as to keep the ego in check.
“If you want sightseeing, you go elsewhere; if you want the experience of your True Self as God, you go to the Avatar.”
Chop wood, draw water.
Just as I am – heavy sanskaric mind and all – at least I am no tourist. This is the Earth the Being enjoys and holds me to. I wondered to this day why with my inner tuition and the gift of access, I cannot meditate/drop out or have blissful cosmic experiences. I did KNOW – FELT – that what I have and love and am, is complete and real – the rose with its thorns and leaves; an unfurnished room washed by the Light of the sea.
What I am and you are is utterly satisfying, including my egoic look-at-me fixtures and fittings and the mirror, including my vanity and my fear of being rejected or disapproved of. I am here in earth living this whole fascinating egoic landscape. It is not my Beloved’s pleasure to move the blinds a little for me to drop out into samadhi. It is my Beloved’s pleasure to play with me around the rocks and through all weathers.
He says with twinkling eye, “Ripe fruit in My hand, this is a generative process – I hold its harvest.”
I am a little gem, a gooseberry, a marble, a prasad he lightly tosses with perfect aim. Like His Mandali, his close ones and Lovers, I am happy to serve without the veil being lifted; I am His garment. Love is the Transfiguration I behold on the Mountain with Yeshua.
Like a periodic landslip shifting a little further each time, I trust him more. Before this day there were rights and wrongs I clutched to myself and suffered with.
The Wind came up and lifts away Aphrodite’s hair.
Visita Interiore Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem … Enter the inner Earth, put right/equilibrate what you find here, and bring forth the hidden precious Stone
(From the ‘Emerald Table’, Wisdom of Hermes Trismegistos)
This is echoed in Meher Baba’s words: “To penetrate into the essence of all being and significance, and to release the fragrance of that inner attainment for the guidance and benefit of others, by expressing in the world of forms, Truth, Love and Beauty – this is the sole game which has any intrinsic and absolute worth. All other happenings, incidents and attainments can, in themselves, have no lasting importance.”
Some ideas emerge in me organically – relating to Britain’s empire heritage. With its expansion, we polluted the conquered lands, destroyed their culture and ancestral lineages and sold the people into slavery. We extracted from them the wealth and left them hungry.
Over the last century with the precision of Karmic laws and two World wars Britain’s global territory shrank.
Eruch Jessawala said (earlier in this post), “People ask what (enlightenment) did we gain, all those years with Baba. They should have asked us, what did we LOSE?”
What do we need to lose in order to restore equilibrium?
What is or was or will be the “Work on what was spoiled“?
This phrase arose unsought, it is the title of hexagram 18 in the I Ching.
The above link to Dream Arc 18 “happened to” contain an appreciation of my Kabbalah teacher Warren Kenton (Zev ben Shimon Halevi) written on the anniversary of his passing – open it and scroll down. For more information about his work visit
Work on what has been spoiled – Isn’t this King Charles’s life long dedication – to return minerals, trace elements and nutrients to the soil? Not many are aware that he is an expert hedge layer, farmer and gardener. His country home at Highgrove nurtures strong organic seed – as befitted a Prince of the realm – whose generations will move beyond his property and invigorate the land.
During his mother’s long reign some of the exploited nations became a “common wealth” – a reclamation in process, dear to her heart. Ultimately its aim is to restore their individual heritages, conserving a productive web of international friendships. This was her inner and outer work. It is now the Sovereign’s promise that these nations may retain or discard their constitutional connection without losing the cordial relationship.
The real function of the modern monarchy as I see it, is a “tapestry through time”. That doesn’t much interest the headline-makers who thrive on gossip and divisions. In its quiet persistence, its problems and many interwoven interests I see a path of real cooperation and hope.
It is not “plain sailing” because it is in the urgent interest of many countries in the world today to redefine their boundaries. That movement may account for a number of painful “brexit’s”. Coming from someplace deeper than the daily politics which act and react as its instrument, the process is more like a global weather pattern – literally a climate change. There are floods, there are cracks and shrinkage, there is new growth.
For consideration:
“Common wealth” is an interesting expression, suggesting a restoration. Assets which separated the haves from have-nots are just beginning to be regarded as values in common. Internet technology stirs us into a homogenous uniformity without boundaries. This may prompt an instinctive struggle for individual forms of expression. The paradoxical tension is suffered acutely – played out through noble humanitarian efforts, madness, abuse, creative visions, and repressive regimes. For many of us it racks our bodies physically – if we cannot contain the paradox we are tugged in all directions.
What is the inner meaning of a commonwealth? Perhaps the wellbeing of the people – to bring them back to their roots and honour the earth where we live. When Empire suppressed indigenous peoples and did not work for the common good, it removed them from their land and root which was their mother. The world is disturbed – travelling away from and seeking home.
What do we distil in life, and how is it different in principle from what we “extract”?
Distillation is a kind of flowering: wait and see.
To extract something suggests that we do not put it back Contemporary culture is based largely upon extraction, on separating from the whole and mixing the pieces in a way which adulterates and actually weakens the essence. In the health industry the ingredients separated from plant or chemical compound are artificially reinforced as medicine – a visual market of boxes and pills. That leaves a lot of waste and want.
In the Elder Medicine the whole plant was known and used; yes, extracts from it were taken and boiled or “reduced”. What was taken out was respected and given back – as with crop rotation. Ancestral recognition of the plant’s whole energy field was and is the key.
There is an analogy with the use of medicine plants for recreational or addictive drug use. When one part of a plant is amplified against the whole it is corrupted and becomes toxic. To me this suggests an imbalance in nature, an unbalanced culture. If we select pieces of indigenous culture out of their matrix to get “high” on or (for the over-sensitive) to numb and blot out the world’s ferocity, isn’t that the voyeur’s way? Recreational drugs extracted from wisdom plants, are an encumbrance, an imbalance, and delay the return to the Heart of All.
Alternatively the wisdom plant has an emanation with which to sit quiet and hear the universe. We might be near it or see it a thousand miles distant, for it is in the etheric field. There is no requirement to imbibe, smoke or ingest it; no need for “experiences”, no search for sensation. To be lovingly present in Nature’s seamless silent dialogue was and is the way of indigenous elders and of the gardener; it is not that of the “spiritual” pedlars or merchants.
Tobacco was a sacramental indigenous plant and non-addictive – the removal of its heart or essence, adding noxious chemicals for stimulus, is abuse … which creates addiction.
Addiction happens where a “hole” in the wholeness is made – the way back home is constantly removed! – entangling the emotional, psychological and spiritual realms. This may apply to any substance which is “twisted” or exploited for consumer use. What to do? We face and must find some way to manage this enormous problem in the nutritional field.
It starts here at home with attitudes.
“If we are abused, then you can’t receive our gift to you.
If we are abused, you won’t benefit from us.
And if we are abused, it won’t do you any good.
Speak to us with your heart, and all will be well.”
I was touched by this message from David Rainbow, in an online discussion about the destructive use of marijuana – the plant spoke to him. It said it shouldn’t be smoked, cut with stimulants, or forced into being a drug (which is abuse). The Medicine is a wisdom for us to quiet our mind and listen to. We are: I am the body of the plant. It came to me that I might simply visualise and honour the plant in its purity – the true conversation with it.
The message is “stop misusing and misconstruing us”.
And stop misusing and abusing ourselves!
To extract is to exploit. To extract is to remove, condense or exaggerate a desirable feature for marketing or sensation – like a news item divorced from its context; like gossip; like opiate extracted from a plant; like fossil fuels from earth so they pollute; like annexing a country. Religious bigotry is extracted from revelation.
To extract is to limit, to claim for oneself and even to rob.
It is equally so in the selective view of life, my judgements, desires, fears, and conditionings. My acquisitive attitudes and choices can contribute to an unhealthy economy.
What a lot the little plant has to tell us!
I offer here my appreciation of a human being, a Kingly pioneer in the search for our indigenous Celtic heritage and wisdom. Here he is at work hedge-laying –
“Sir, In the face of mockery, abuse and heavy resistance you developed an ’empire’ of organic farming and education … and in due course the people ate out of your hand. The Duchy estates with their high quality free-range produce became today an immensely successful business enterprise. The profits helped to underwrite your other initiatives in the “common wealth”. The Duchy is now in the hands of your son William.
“Let us gather together, let us join together, let us form a vessel to catch the dew of Heaven.”
Distillation (associated with Virgo) is the sixth of 12 Zodiac signatures of alchemy.
To distil is to raise the level of our concern; to reach and allow inspirational resources of love within us which by their nature are more than a match for the world’s ferocity.
It is within each individual’s capacity to “be still and distil; be of the whole.” And then to act.
For myself to distil is to hang out all day with an insight or an unfolding creational process – like this one with the Queen and King and Commonwealth – until the Wine delivers its bouquet.
The old alchemists used to say, “Carry the elixir but don’t let it fall on the ground, don’t confine it to the verbal world of linear ideas and chitchat, else it will raise up cities and delusions against you.”
Lower mind tends to subtract from the whole; forming opinions, re-engraving old fossils, and being possessive – the cult of competition.
To distil is to receive the dew, be still – the essence to shine without seizing it. Like a rare malt whisky it emanates … and then in our nature, one thing opens into another the gift of abundance: the seed of a common wealth. Such is the distillation and its potential. It brings insight of what needs to be done practically. It is contagious. The light of interior jewels rises in a pearly perfume through earth’s crust.
I am bowled over with the open depth of what I am shown
… and for us to be Lovers, not try to be saints.
Open your heart.
Beloved One
who are in and of my being,
hallowed be your Name.
Thou art that on earth
as it is in heaven.
Give me this day my daily bread
and forgive my errors as I forgive
those of others
And lead me not to trespass
but deliver me from bondage
For Yours is Malkuth the Earth,
Beauty, Root, Truth, Purity
in the Tree of Life
Click this Link to “THE QUEEN AND KING PART ONE”
Here is a much earlier post – the vision of Sovereignty in a dream I had in 1975. It companions this post!
My adventure invites fellow travellers. I am a poet, an artist and a seer. I welcome conversation among the PHILO SOFIA, the lovers of wisdom. See also Aquariel and Gene Keys Diary.
All art and creative writing in this blog is copyright © Janeadamsart 2012-2022. May not be used for commercial purposes. May be used and shared for non-commercial means with credit to Jane Adams and a link to the web address