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Sun, Saturn, Pluto


Cupola: Angel’s Sound (1988)

For my Gene Keys blog, I finished (with difficulty!) a drawing yesterday – cobra, wild boar and skylark – to illustrate the intuitive animal magic within the 54th Gene Key (6-11 January).

I just now realised they spontaneously embody the Sun, Saturn and Pluto – what a surprise!  For today is dawning the exact conjunction awaited all these years.

54th Gene Key Dream-Arc: the Shadow, Gift and Siddhi:  “greed” (cobra), “aspiration” (wild boar) and “ascension” (skylark)


I feel aligned gently to the heart of the universe as the two Great Beings Chronos and Hades confer with Sol in my soul – my 71st birthday in a day or two.  I feel privileged to witness a meeting of celestial archetypes. The vast voluminous sphere with its shimmering Rings, miraculous Moons and 29 year orbit merges with a tiny outer planet’s 240 year cycle; the un-conceptual space of their intimacy through billions of our miles.  Both of them mark Solar system parameters; Saturn is that of Time.  Pluto – the Hadean Underbeing – is that of Emanation.

The meeting is upon a mandala: a detail, a resonance.  Such beauty is in the notes upon the string.

Angel’s sound – spiral mandala – 1988

And those who might know better don’t realise this!  They have their complaining signboards up in front of their noses and would look at that narrow waveband round and around, rather than into the cosmos which we are.

Discovery circa 1963 – a painting I did at school

Ishvara governs the universe and the infinite subtle geometry of our world with ultimate precision. How clearly I saw for a moment, that we humans including our astrologers and seers often – not always! – choose to read again our Fable rather than the fact; choose to look at a book with dark writing rather than listen to our heart; choose fear and warning rather than openness. Why?

(The wild boar in my drawing shows the old instinct of the hunter and the hunted within our aspiration.)

What if a Reality amazingly and simply other than that convention, quietly unfolds under the gossip?  Well then it requires its Seers.  In Vedic knowledge each goddess and mantra has its Seer – Ganapati Muni was the Seer of the goddess who fountains without a head – Chinnamasta and her nectarous vibrational sound: Om srim hrim hrim vajra-vairocaniyai hum hum phat svaha (See David Frawley’s Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses/1994).

I am a Seer of the world which is mostly concealed by what humans tend to believe in.  The Seer develops the discovered Reality through choice and resonance.

Ramana Maharshi, Ganapati Muni and a scribe

It seems we are by default willing to believe in what we are told by others to think.  The fibs that fly around are not worth the space of listening to.  Just this:  why am I willing to believe in lies?  Because I have a conditioning that if it makes me tense and anxious it’s bound to be true, it is tribal.

There is at the moment a ray or resonant string:  Sun, Earth, Saturn, Pluto, with Jupiter at present amplifying it.  The note will be exactly attuned tomorrow evening at about 22 degrees 40 in Capricorn.  This is compresent with the period (since 1987) of polar-axial tilt to galactic centre; a profound constellational adjustment within our core.  There is collective tribal fear of death in such alignment and silence – a feature of eclipse – and the people everywhere speed up and beat the drum.

Contemplate the musical string and the inner quiet when it is struck; the years for the sound to resound and travel as the conjunction slowly opens its seed through Capricorn and into Aquarius, breathing in and out.  Honour that, rather than the brittle belief.

Chronos and Hades confer with Sol in my soul.  The harmonic is within my body and DNA, microcosmic to the Solar System’s immensity; it is nuclear within my atoms.  The wavelength in our nervous system’s connectivity is so easily overlooked and unconscious.  A willing awareness with it – rather than follow tittle-tattle – is an “upstream event”.  It touches conscious space before the water starts to fall.  This is voluntary.

Voluntary in the same way, is metanoia, the in-turning – attuning – of the psyche to Sanctus: the Divine Unexpected.

The Fool and the Lamb in a tent at night listen to Angels – 1988

Most of us as individuals cannot accept that we are all of a piece, because we are accustomed to being regarded as separate phenomena who must struggle with limited resources to impact on each other and events.  It seems that the spiritual community pays lip service to the Mandala but continues to indulge in the gossip.  Our surface psychosis shrouds the peaceful event of planetary beings occupying the same thread for a moment in our history’s river.

I began to feel the shroud is in place as a general distraction.  It allows the underlying current to follow its natural way to carry the cargo and cleanse our world.

I am all-of-a-piece.  When the DNA (through voluntary attentiveness and respect) awakes, the elder Forest Medicine speaks.

An event of Consciousness is the will within any cellular membrane to be conscious, to interact and help to sustain and support and cocreate the entirety of the vast organ; to heal our wound; to take responsibility.  Who starts this but I?  I am you.  We are.  Our I begins the genesis HERE and HERE and HERE.  My feeling today is a clear world.

The still, small voice

If you look HERE
you’ll find.

If you play with your sword
you won’t;  but I’m HERE
our bridge.

You may not hear
what touches you

but HERE, my songs
in your tree, are lovebirds.

From Poems of Eclipse 1999




My adventure invites fellow travellers. I am a poet, an artist and a seer. I welcome conversation among the PHILO SOFIA, the lovers of wisdom. See also Aquariel

All art and creative writing in this blog is copyright © Janeadamsart 2012-2020. May not be used for commercial purposes. May be used and shared for non-commercial means with credit to Jane Adams and a link to the web address https://janeadamsart.wordpress.com/

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