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Mysteries of Isis – The Squid and the Lighthouse



Child mother Isis, 2003

Child mother Isis, 2003


Part Three of my meditations with Isis the feminine power of the ancient world.

The Squid & Lighthouse!  Rather a fine name for a pub?   Lighthouses, helping the ships at sea, and sweeping their beam through field, tide and rocky cliffs at night, fascinate small children. These two early drawings of Isis at the seaside in Cornwall show also the sun’s path of light :

lighthouse 1 lighthouse 2 1955


I am trawling Dion Fortune’s Sea Priestess and Moon Magic, developing fresh insights as they arise, and some of my own source writings.

Today I ask – how to confront the Shadow?  Bathing at present in Her name – allowing all my paths to lead back to Isis – I am aware that Her worship in the ancient world branched into some dark cults.  There are whispers of human sacrifice and corruption, priestly megalomania, sexual power-games and the cold, oceanic indifference of Herself to the human drama.  In many ways she came to represent the shadow-feminine archetype which men fear and therefore persecute – La Belle Dame Sans Merci.  Interwoven with Lilith, the shadow bride of Adam, Isis in our collective underworld is dark and thirsts for flesh.

Here is a link to the subconscious and psychological impact of the Lilith Archetype.

Travelling to the Moon’s dark side, I shall hitch a ride today, on some earlier visualisations, or path-workings.  They arise spontaneously in my journal.  In my experience, the way to get to grips with Shadow, is to invoke a higher frequency, or conscious vibration.  This is the lamp which, penetrating the shell like a neutrino, reveals the shadow’s original face, which is light.

Yod and magic portals - bring Isis to earth - 2002

Yod and magic portals – bring Isis to earth – 2002


A friend came yesterday to tell me about Paul Levy’s book “Dispelling Wetiko the curse of evil” – and I just made a typo:  as evil is live spelled backwards, for “curse” I wrote “cures”.  Similarly the anagram for “sacred” is “scared”…


The Squid Economy – “Kochtopus“. Is this what I am … ?

Ursa Major

Ursa Major, 1988 … Or am I this?


Children are abused in the satanic mill: extreme religionists indoctrinate and turn young inexperienced souls and orphans of war into bombs and toxic weapons.  Our racial affliction is plain to see in the global “Squid economy” – in media degradation and the gaming culture, in the catastrophic greed of rain-forest destruction, in pollution, human rights violation and abuse of all kinds. Many of us feel overwhelmed, and wear despairing makeovers, yet in a sense – innocence? – the herd remains vitally, sweetly human in the dirty water.

There are more unselfish activists than at any other period in history. They work as antibodies in the zones of war and viral disease.  More souls are embodied – young and old, traumatised and serene –  during our present era than ever before.  The  Great War in the twentieth century mowed a huge crop, who are now reborn and damaged.  In other periods of history, there was a different ratio of those incarnate to those in astral latency. It is as if the polar hourglass nowadays allows the whole of history to descend and materialise;  for our world is changing.  Some things which are as they always were, are no longer hidden.  The realities are forced into our everyday consciousness.

In my view, metaphysical evil has no separate cause. From the root of all Being, there grew an illusory forgetting:  and the forgetfulness develops a kingdom whose subjects repeat, “Be thou my good”;  whose influence grips and fascinates our unconscious.   However, few can speak with authority on this topic unless they survived the concentration camps.

I feel the upsurge of visible evil is temporary in our evolutionary humanquake. With Pluto in Capricorn (2008 -2024), It all comes out, it emerges onto the surface by the force – the magma – of the Light dug under it. Call a spade a spade!


welly-boots, 1988

Get your welly-boots on – go for it! 1988


Each of us is trying to cope with some degree of outrage, through the variety of our Karmic lenses. It may afflict us physically, psychologically, spiritually, environmentally and through the world-channel. Keep the lighthouse beam steady, and keep the crystal candle-power rotating through the storm-tossed night.


priest and oak

priest and oak


I knew an old Dominican priest, Father Alan Cheales.  He was a lighthouse-keeper.  He used to say, the hands of the clock stand at near midnight, but no amount of darkness can extinguish a candle when lit.  Locally I watched over the years, a friend’s resurrection from suicidal alcoholic. The Squid didn’t get him, because the steady sweeping of the lighthouse beam through his coastline illumined the  power and faith of his inner continent.

I completed some years ago, my magnum-opus, The Masters’ Eye, which invokes an open place of meeting. Using the book (at long last !!) as an oracle, it opened at page 109, “The House of God”– a transept or interior temple, intersecting vertical and horizontal beams.

Star of David, Cross of Yeshua, Crescent of Islam

Star of David, Cross of Yeshua, Crescent of Islam


It is also the Qabalistic Cross – masculine and feminine. (I will post those pages later, in the Isis series). The focus is on interior temple building, along the ground-plan of sacred geometry. There is a visualisation –  a Gothic arch or hyacinth head rises through the draft sketch or design of vesica pisces: the Tree of Life, a living Yantra lingum. It tumbles me into the font of the blessed. It rings like a bell note.  It does not advise on life chimera, but it informs and transforms them vitally from within. I trust the sacrament is carried into life along my veins, as along the arms of a tree by osmosis. This was always my aim, and continues so.

Sani  detail

“The grace and proportion of the building, altering the consciousness that enters it, is an echo only of the Light which was its inspiration. It is the ripple or projection upon the sensory field, of all time, all space, and simultaneously it is neither. Nowadays a hologram is created by projecting laser beams to cross each other at right angles. An image is created in space when the mutual interference-pattern of their rays precisely fits.”

The Master’s Eye, 2009

Yantra Tree

notre dame belle verriere chartres Notre Dame

Enter the Body of Light. The principle is simple – I open a book, it is flat, but the designs on the pages are cut so they stand up when the book opens, and I enter Notre Dame of Isis at Chartres.   I feel at once when I enter the dimension of the inner Temple, and am awakened into the height, depth and breadth.   No ready solution comes for my surface dilemmas, but none are needed; they are in God’s hands.

maps of Virgo constellation, stellar and on earth

maps of Virgo constellation, stellar and on earth

I am deep in the underground circular Cavern of Isis, the heartbeat of love.  I studied some inner pathworkings with the Pharos school twelve years ago;  they are found in a flash – a long rock passage from behind the altar’s veil led to this sub-terranean chamber; a green snake mosaic spirals three times around the floor’s circumference. Be seated here with other celebrants, to pray with peace, to stand against abuse, to illumine the obscurity.

Table round, companions of light, 2002

Table round, companions of light, 2002


The chamber is octagonal. The rock walls are plain but pregnant. The presence of naked Black Isis is massive and elemental in the rock. In her lap, I bathe with my astral lover in Yesod. The male-female filament is spun, whose Light ascends as gossamer to the Lamp. It is the “pith practice”.   Keep invoking this dimension with the tidal fountain breath.   As the physical pattern becomes more deeply  in-formed: the soul’s hologram alters.


Arcanum 12 hanged man bota key 12 hanging man sacred india tarot 12 Trishanku

I have Tarot Key 12 in my inner eye as well – the Well, through which my surrender to truth exquisitely occurs.  The Hanging Man is believed by many, to portend a great evil.  In fact it pictures a “reversal” or return – a completion in the alchemical Great Work.  Essentially we are born head first into earth, and tread the skies.

Dion Fortune’s “Moon Magic” awakens my muse.  The petals in my brittle life are prosaic, but from far behind them in the continental hinterland, come the prompts and procedure of the Rose – the integrative awakenings, the ripple, the pulse of Isis.

priestess of black isis sketch 2002 priestess of black isis, priest of the moon and baal shem tav 2002 melchisedek at chartres notre dame chartres, south transept bark Trinosofia copy, Initiate and Isis_0001 madonna botticelli, 1957.


I saw in the paper, the army in the ME is named as isil – not isis.   What do these letters stand for?  Here is a link which discusses the abbreviations and their semantics – ignoring of course, the human collective dimension in the western world, which is Isis. When hatred is injected into “Isis” from whatever viewpoint, we should realise that the feminine as a whole is targeted – as those medieval organisations and inquisitions set out to do – and we should watch whereof we speak. What is?

Read the word-sounds – how “Isil” and “evil” terminate Isis and Eve.

I believe that more effective nowadays than group ritual, is to illumine the seed-tendencies within myself, to cease colluding with them unconsciously.

However, in 2001 or 2002, a group of senior light-workers went into “a region where the eye of evil weeps blood” on the astral plane.  They stabbed its heart to turn it round and restore Kether. Within three weeks of this overdue intervention, German scientists invented a cyberspace technique which can target any website in the world that hosts neo-Nazi symbols.  This was not conclusive – it must be repeated, at whichever level we recognise our slave mentality and take responsibility for it. With the will to freedom, a way is found, whether with others or in solitude.  In my view, we are never alone:  we witness the death throes of the venom’s lashing tail.  It is a paradoxical privilege to endure it for our generations, as millenia of collective Karmic atrocities work their way through the Shadow into the light, and are dismantled.

To dispel the dark, we find and illumine our way – we learn to detach from our own drama into compassion for the bigger picture.  To turn it around:  “Let obscurity fly from thee …”

dim and sainted window, alchemical stained glass in Chartres

dim and sainted window, alchemical stained glass in Chartres


Some of the thoughts in this post awoke through reading Paul Levy’s recent article “The Kabbalah’s Remarkable Idea(www.awakeninthedream.com), I recommend it for an exceptionally clear exposition on the paradox of good with the evil impulse.  He is the author of “Dispelling Wetiko – Breaking the Curse of Evil” and “The Madness of George W Bush – a Reflection of our Collective Psychosis“.

According to Paul Levy, the practice of “Tikkun” in Kabbalah “transforms the impulse within ourselves in the individual recognition that the world is and always has been a pure spiritual reality.  The inner and outer worlds, like a dream, are seen to be reflections of each other.”  He makes the essential point that the evil impulse is a charade, with an outstanding capacity to obscure what is Real. Deep inside the broken shells – the Qelipoth – is the spark of God to redeem. The evil impulse tests and develops our sinew of Light through “grace under pressure”.  There is always some issue to value and wrestle with, in our lives.

Our world as a whole, struggles in a Qelipoth shell which paradoxically empowers the great bodhisattvas. It tests the psychological muscle of Sun and Moon – our ancient and eternal Osiris and Isis.   According to the 16th century Lurianic vision, the nature of evil arises from a shattering of the vessels by the tsim-tsum radiation – what we call the big bang.  The big bang is not a historical event:  it is timeless, through all time – it is NOW.  Our broken subjectivities suffer an ontological “separateness” and a longing to return.  From this derive our competitive compulsions of alienation – disordered movements of the centrifugal force through centripetal formation.


cornwall 2011 427


Embracing all this, God timelessly beholds God, creating a spatial interval for time and space to be. God beholding God in every hologram of the mineral, plant, animal and human soul, inspires an “apart” which yearns for union: the asymmetry of our biosphere and of seeds of love, in the primordial wound.   In the Lurianic vision, we co-create with God, beholding God by trying to heal what we are:  the opening seed.  This too shall pass:  this too is God.

Luria lived in Poland and died at forty:  his descendants, the rabbis of joy, practice tikkun – they co-create with God.  They dance and pray and carry the flame.

Chabad at prayer

Chabad at prayer


The disordered expression of centrifugal force through centripetal formation, as seen in the fragmenting islands and ambitions of our world today, has at its living core the unbroken tidal breath of Hokhmah, Binah on the Tree – our Father and Mother whose Child is born to converge the living Triad of the Spirit: Tifareth.  Hokhmah is Wisdom. Binah is Understanding. Tifareth is Beauty; the heart conscience brings the primordial parents together. With this ring I thee wed. With my body I bless thee. With our child the fruit is given.


Arcanum 20 judgement


My way in the obscuration, is to scribe through Daat, whatever transfigures the feelings and thoughts of the night which arise each morning – my lighthouse beam.

Alchemy Eagle Daat detail

In Daat, the Sefira of “unknown cognition”, an open book rests on an eagle’s wings. I can’t see or read a single word in it, for they are of Light, JHVH.   Beriah the World of Creation does not explain. Beriah is the revelation. The servant writes. A monastic scribe patiently illumines a script of the lightning flash as it flickers over sea cliffs in the night: Scripto-Tetragrammaton.  Awakening my interior contact with these strata, is my preparation and my prayer.

Orpheus - November 1987

Orpheus – November 1987




In the centre of the Floor of Isis is a source of light – very strong light, like a magnesium flare. What are the salamanders? They are the deva spirits of the fire.  Their elemental counterparts are gnomes, undines and sylphs-of-prana.  Their appearance in the flicker-flame is serpentine and lizard-like. Receive the warmth and brilliance of this light. With the Companions seated in the octagonal cave – or is it hexagonal? – our individual third-eye beams are directed into the centre lamp of Isis. Our concerted focus “delivers  from evil”.  To see the phenomenon, is to dismantle it. Turn it around, and live! – as Dante did when he put Lucifer into reverse, and flew out through purgatorio into the white rose of paradise.

Our unconscious and disordered impulses cluster to each side of the Tree, to suck the polarity excess or imbalance. They crave the Tree’s conscious heart, of which they are deprived: the Qelipoth have no centre. They are adept persuaders with our spiritual belief systems, market forces and political tyrannies. They are subtle gourmets for the threshold of awakening – they savour the souls who are honeyed there, or who are “star pupils” and strive for leadership. Their weapon of enticement is glamour.  They hunger for something which no longer concerns an evolved spirituality.


Protection from the Squid economy evolves through a lack of personal ambition, lack of desire for glamour. Then the Squid – for all its intellectual power and persuasion – can find nothing to get hold of, nothing to inhabit it. It is better to see the cobra in the room than to trip over it in fantasy. Use the plain nuts and bolts of psychology! “You must throw yourself in.” No guru can spoon it to you.

bell, chartres demons, chartres


“Then the old man of the Earth stooped over the floor of the cave, raised a huge stone from it and left it leaning.  It disclosed a great hole. 

“‘That is the way,’ he said.
“‘But there are no stairs!’
“‘You must throw yourself in.  There is no other way.'”

George  Macdonald, The Golden Key


There is the story of supping with Satan. All the spoons were too long to self-feed the delicious feast, and everyone starved. At last they learned to turn the spoons to feed one another – for Lucifer taught them the lesson of life.

Lucifer – Satan – was and is the Bearer of Light. We are dark outside, but comely within.


Aphrodite - 1992





Unfortunately I lost the website for the photos take in Chartres, above.

My adventure invites fellow travellers. I am a poet, an artist and a seer. I welcome conversation among the PHILO SOFIA, the lovers of wisdom.

This blog is a vehicle to promote also my published work – The Sacred India Tarot (with Rohit Arya, Yogi Impressions Books) and The Dreamer in the Dream – a collection of short stories (0 Books). Watch this space.

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All art and creative writing in this blog is copyright © Janeadamsart 2012-2014. May not be used for commercial purposes. May be used and shared for non-commercial means with credit to Jane Adams and a link to the web address https://janeadamsart.wordpress.com/

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