Channel: janeadamsart
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From the Album: Bishops Rock and Oak Creek


trinosofia interior cave of light_0001On earth there are places of enchantment and of power. They speak.

The red rocks in the Sedona landscape are a temple transcending their human worshippers.  Shamans hear their pulse; gated billionaires build their towns around them …

Here are a few more pictures from my albums – taken when I went there to meet Robert Adams in 1996, shortly before he passed away:  a picture post.


1 imponderables caduceus 2 water course 3 water print 4 heart pebble 5 going native in US of A 6 jason sufi dance 7 bishop rock shadows 8 ganesha rocks 9 rob durkee and wolfie 10 ascent 11 gilgalem, the whirlings 12 prayer 13 strata flow 14 water flow, oak creek 15 robert 16 waters 17 along bishops rock 18 view from bishops rock 19 seeing 20 with Wolfie 21 drink 22 shadows 23 shadows 24 trying to hear 25 old aspen 26 contemplation 27 young aspen 28 old roots 29 in love 29 sun and bark 30 oak creek 31 oak creek 32 oak creek 33 ancient 34 oak creek, sunlight 35 oak creek, rocks 36 among aspens near cathedral rock 37 waters of earth 38 the lane 39 oak creek at sunset 40 jewelarizona 41 hearts meet




View towards Thunder mountain







My adventure invites fellow travellers. I am a poet, an artist and a seer. I welcome conversation among the PHILO SOFIA, the lovers of wisdom.

This blog is a vehicle to promote also my published work – The Sacred India Tarot (with Rohit Arya, Yogi Impressions Books) and The Dreamer in the Dream – a collection of short stories (0 Books). Watch this space.

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All art and creative writing in this blog is copyright © Janeadamsart 2012-2014. May not be used for commercial purposes. May be used and shared for non-commercial means with credit to Jane Adams and a link to the web address https://janeadamsart.wordpress.com/

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