In this Tarot series we are still transitioning from the Swords which administer Karma, to the Wands which deliver justice.
A wand, staff or stave is a connecting instrument. It signifies authority and the power of a completed circuit. The wand symbolises creative force and investiture: less a weapon than a fiery transmission. The ancient Egyptians called theirs the ankh – a staff of life. Inheriting their wisdom, Moses hit the rock releasing the water of life, with a rod he had mastered in its earlier form as a snake. It became the Arc of Covenant – for humankind and the Holy One.
The Tarot’s suit of Wands generates a flow of current – related to the serpentine helix of our DNA:
When a battle is waged, instruments are required, which are more than mere weapons. They come from within us and they come from between the worlds. The Two of Wands in Tarot are in relationship – a bridging of realms. It took an epic force – assisted by the simian intellect – to build a stone bridge from southern India to Sri Lanka, to rescue Rama’s bride Sita from her captivity under Ravana, king of demons.
It takes that same strength for us to evolve beyond the labels: to affirm in the light of last week’s events – “I am human”. My good friend pointed out, that more than “je suis Charlie” in Paris, “je suis Humaine”. The profound power of one simple truth through the networks can change the world. The revolutionary baton is, “I am human.”
Humanness is our amnesty, a meditation of the depth, the breadth and the height. Keep saying “I am human” – look deep within, and look around – it is contagious. That forgotten collective memory could disorient and disable a killer cell, if more and more of us have it. We can try. I am human.
Rohit Arya’s Notes – 2003
“This event is difficult to conceptualise, as there is really no artistic depiction of it. What we need is a feel of a seashore, the stone bridge receding into the horizon, a gorgeous spectacular sky-scraping ancient city of Lanka dominating the landscape, and the tents of the invading army, with the monkeys all over the place. Perhaps we could have Rama, Sugriva (the monkey king), Hanuman and Laxmana on a little hillock surveying the City.
“Lanka can be made as bizarre and fanatastical as you please, there is no version of Lanka which will not be true, for it was an illusion built city, actually created by a Danava called Maya for his powers of captivating, lllusionary architecture. He was the equal of Vishwakarma, architect of the gods, and in reality built the more famous structures!
“The illustration is very poor, and we certainly don’t want Lanka to look like that, but some of the themes are contained in it. The two Wands could be placed one each in Lanka and the hillock illuminating the scene.”
Here is the Ramayana epic now, from Rohit’s book with the deck:
“Lanka is besieged. An unending horde of Vanaras is eagerly awaiting the chance to lock horns with rakshasas (demons) who, for the first time in their life, are diffident about combat. They have been jolted by this inconceivable invasion and, up in the sky their dread nemesis Hanuman (see Knight of Arrows) keeps a menacing vigil. The last time they confronted him, he burnt the golden city to cinders and ash, so belligerence is not an option. The golden city was then magically rebuilt by the sorcerer Mai Danava, father-in-law of Ravana, and a greater craftsman than Vishvakarma, architect of the gods.
“Rama has sent word that peace can be obtained by the simple expedient of returning Sita to him. Their own karma brought them to a stage where they cannot accept this, though they desperately want to. They are the rakshasha race, conquerors of the three worlds, and to surrender a prize is to lose face irrevocably. Like well entrenched comfortable Mafiosi, controlling territory on violent reputation alone, their bluff has been called.
“This card is called Dominion, but the person normally does not attain the heights of success it promises, or loses it in being too grasping. Returning Sita would save their kingdom but unravel their reputation and power; fighting Rama and Hanuman is suicide.
“Stuck! If they fight, they lose their fantastical comfortable life. If they don’t, they are finished as a ruling power. Ruin beckons them in either eventuality, and the rakshashas glumly realise, long before Rama does, that their days of power and glory are over.
“Reassess your position – moral and ethical choices … Many options exist, though you may not see them. Patience is needed. Interaction with an overwhelming personality. Don’t take the lead of spiritual mentors or leaders, blindly … Too much reliance upon supposed ‘strong’ figures, and falling for pseudo-spiritual flim-flam … Lack of discipline is compounded by greed. Use of will power to overcome stagnant situations. A little extra patience is required – don’t spoil it now by getting greedy. Self reliance is your best option.”
Here is the finished card:
My Lanka fell rather short of Rohit’s vision, but presents a walled and besieged citadel. The expression in Hanuman’s eyes and face carries the nuances of this encounter, both sides.
I am concluding this post with my invocation of “The Flowering Staff” – a Tree of Life within a tower of Alchemy.
Malkuth (physical body or root) is an almond blossom; Yesod (personal, foundation) is the nut; Tifareth (heart and soul) a Rosy Cross, and Daat (collective unconscious) is an opening pine cone – the pineal chakra or third eye. The staff uniting the worlds is both wand and sword, expressing higher and lower frequencies simultaneously. A dove flies toward Kether the One Light.
“I am human”.
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Rohit Arya
Rohit Arya is an Author, Yogi and Polymath. He has written the first book on Vaastu to be published in the West, {translated into five languages} the first book on tarot to be published in India, co-authored a book on fire sacrifice, and is the creator of The Sacred India Tarot {82 card deck and book}. He has also written A Gathering of Gods. He is a corporate trainer, a mythologist and vibrant speaker as well as an arts critic and cultural commentator. Rohit is also a Lineage Master in the Eight Spiritual Breaths system of Yoga.
Earlier posts about the deck, including the first 15 Major Arcana archives are in http://aryayogi.wordpress.com The deck is copyrighted (c) 2011 to the publishers, Yogi Impressions Books pvt, and available also on Amazon and internationally.
My adventure invites fellow travellers. I am a poet, an artist and a seer. I welcome conversation among the PHILO SOFIA, the lovers of wisdom.
This blog is a vehicle to promote also my published work – The Sacred India Tarot (with Rohit Arya, Yogi Impressions Books) and The Dreamer in the Dream – a collection of short stories (0 Books). Watch this space.
All art and creative writing in this blog is copyright © Janeadamsart 2012-2014. May not be used for commercial purposes. May be used and shared for non-commercial means with credit to Jane Adams and a link to the web address https://janeadamsart.wordpress.com/